Each function instantiated from the template described in this section [rand.util.canonical] maps the result of one or more invocations of a supplied uniform random number generator g to one member of the specified RealType such that, if the values gi produced by g are uniformly distributed, the instantiation's results tj, 0 ≤ tj < 1 , are distributed as uniformly as possible as specified below.
[ Note: Obtaining a value in this way can be a useful step in the process of transforming a value generated by a uniform random number generator into a value that can be delivered by a random number distribution. — end note ]
template<class RealType, size_t bits, class URNG>
RealType generate_canonical(URNG& g);
Complexity: Exactly k = max(1, ⌈ b / log2 R ⌉) invocations of g, where b279 is the lesser of numeric_limits<RealType>::digits and bits, and R is the value of g.max() - g.min() + 1 .
Invokes g() k times
to obtain values g0, …, gk-1 , respectively.
Calculates a quantity
using arithmetic of type
Returns: S / Rk .
Throws: What and when g throws.
b is introduced to avoid any attempt to produce more bits of randomness than can be held in RealType.