Index of implementation-defined behavior

#pragma, [cpp.pragma]
additional formats for time_get::do_get_date, [locale.time.get.virtuals]
alignment, [basic.align]
alignment additional values, [basic.align]
alignment of bit-fields within a class object, [class.bit]
allocation of bit-fields within a class object, [class.bit]
argument values to construct basic_ios::failure, [iostate.flags]
assignability of placeholder objects, []
behavior of attribute scoped token, [dcl.attr.grammar]
behavior of iostream classes when traits::pos_type is not streampos or when traits::off_type is not streamoff, [iostreams.limits.pos]
behavior of non-standard attributes, [dcl.attr.grammar]
bits in a byte, [intro.memory]
choice of larger or smaller value of floating literal, [lex.fcon]
concatenation of some types of string literals, [lex.string]
conversions between pointers and integers, [expr.reinterpret.cast]
converting characters from source character set to execution character set, [lex.phases]
converting function pointer to object pointer and vice versa, [expr.reinterpret.cast]
default number of buckets in unordered_map, []
default number of buckets in unordered_multimap, [unord.multimap.cnstr]
default number of buckets in unordered_multiset, [unord.multiset.cnstr]
default number of buckets in unordered_set, [unord.set.cnstr]
defining main in freestanding environment, [basic.start.main]
definition and meaning of __STDC__, [cpp.predefined]
definition and meaning of __STDC_VERSION__, [cpp.predefined]
derived type for typeid, [expr.typeid]
diagnostic message, [defns.diagnostic]
distinctness of string literals, [lex.string]
dynamic initialization of static objects before main, [basic.start.init]
dynamic initialization of thread-local objects before entry, [basic.start.init]
effect of calling basic_filebuf::setbuf with non-zero arguments, [filebuf.virtuals]
effect of calling basic_filebuf::sync when a get area exists, [filebuf.virtuals]
effect of calling basic_streambuf::setbuf with non-zero arguments, [stringbuf.virtuals]
effect of calling ios_base::sync_with_stdio after any input or output operation on standard streams, [ios.members.static]
effect on C locale of calling locale::global, [locale.statics]
encoding of universal character name not in execution character set, [lex.ccon]
error_category for errors originating outside the operating system, []
exception type when shared_ptr constructor fails, [util.smartptr.shared.const]
exceptions thrown by standard library functions that do not have an exception specification, [res.on.exception.handling]
execution character-set and execution wide-character set, [lex.charset]
extended signed integer types, [basic.fundamental]
extensions to enum type launch, [futures.overview]
formatted character sequence generated by time_put::do_put in C locale, [locale.time.put.virtuals]
headers for freestanding implementation, [compliance]
interactive device, [intro.execution]
linkage of main, [basic.start.main]
linkage of names from Standard C library, [using.linkage]
locale names, [locale.cons]
manner of search for included source file, [cpp.include]
mapping from name to catalog when calling messages::do_open, [locale.messages.virtuals]
mapping header name to header or external source file, [lex.header]
mapping physical source file characters to basic source character set, [lex.phases]
mapping to message when calling messages::do_get, [locale.messages.virtuals]
meaning of asm declaration, [dcl.asm]
meaning of attribute declaration, [dcl.dcl]
negative value of character literal in preprocessor, [cpp.cond]
nesting limit for #include directives, [cpp.include]
number of threads in a program under a freestanding implementation, [intro.multithread]
numeric values of character literals in #if directives, [cpp.cond]
parameters to main, [basic.start.main]
passing argument of class type through ellipsis, []
physical source file characters, [lex.phases]
presence and meaning of native_handle_type and native_handle, [thread.req.native]
rank of extended signed integer type, [conv.rank]
representation of char, [basic.fundamental]
required libraries for freestanding implementation, [intro.compliance]
result of exception::what, [exception]
result of inexact floating-point conversion, [conv.double]
result of right shift of negative value, [expr.shift]
return value of bad_alloc::what, [bad.alloc]
return value of bad_cast::what, [bad.cast]
return value of bad_exception::what, [bad.exception]
return value of bad_typeid::what, [bad.typeid]
return value of char_traits<char16_t>::eof, [char.traits.specializations.char16_t]
return value of char_traits<char32_t>::eof, [char.traits.specializations.char32_t]
return value of type_info::name(), []
search locations for "" header, [cpp.include]
search locations for <> header, [cpp.include]
semantics of linkage specification on templates, [temp]
semantics of linkage specifiers, []
semantics of non-standard escape sequences, [lex.ccon]
sequence of places searched for a header, [cpp.include]
set of blank characters defined by regex_traits::isctype, [re.traits]
signedness of char, [basic.fundamental]
signedness of plain integral bit-field, [class.bit]
sizeof applied to fundamental types other than char, signed char, and unsigned char, [expr.sizeof]
stack unwinding before call to std::terminate(), [except.handle], [except.terminate]
start-up and termination in freestanding environment, [basic.start.main]
string resulting from __func__, [dcl.fct.def.general]
support for extended alignment, [meta.trans.other]
support for over-aligned types, [], [allocator.members], [temporary.buffer]
supported multibyte character encoding rules, [char.traits.specializations.char], [char.traits.specializations.wchar.t]
text of __DATE__ when date of translation is not available, [cpp.predefined]
text of __TIME__ when time of translation is not available, [cpp.predefined]
type of array::const_iterator, [array.overview]
type of array::iterator, [array.overview]
type of ios_base::streamoff, [depr.ios.members]
type of ios_base::streampos, [depr.ios.members]
type of ptrdiff_t, [expr.add], [support.types]
type of regex_constants::error_type, [re.err]
type of size_t, [support.types]
underlying source of random numbers for random_shuffle, [alg.random.shuffle]
underlying type for enumeration, [dcl.enum]
use of non-POF function as signal handler, [support.runtime]
value of character literal outside range of corresponding type, [lex.ccon]
value of ctype<char>::table_size, [facet.ctype.special]
value of multicharacter literal, [lex.ccon]
value of result of inexact integer to floating-point conversion, [conv.fpint]
value of result of unsigned to signed conversion, [conv.integral]
value of wide-character literal containing multiple characters, [lex.ccon]
value of wide-character literal with single c-char that is not in execution wide-character set, [lex.ccon]
value representation of floating-point types, [basic.fundamental]
value representation of pointer types, [basic.compound]
values of a trivially copyable type, [basic.types]
values of various ATOMIC_..._LOCK_FREE macros, [atomics.lockfree]
whether an implementation has relaxed or strict pointer safety, []
whether get_pointer_safety returns pointer_safety::relaxed or pointer_safety::preferred if the implementation has relaxed pointer safety, []
whether locale object is global or per-thread, [locale]
whether sequence pointers are copied by basic_filebuf move constructor, [filebuf.cons]
whether sequence pointers are copied by basic_stringbuf move constructor, [stringbuf.cons]
whether source of translation units must be available to locate template definitions, [lex.phases]
whether stack is unwound before calling std::terminate() when a noexcept specification is violated, [except.terminate]
whether time_get::do_get_year accepts two-digit year numbers, [locale.time.get.virtuals]
whether values are rounded or truncated to the required precision when converting between time_t values and time_point objects., [time.clock.system]
which functions in Standard C++ library may be recursively reentered, [reentrancy]