30 Input/output library [input.output]

30.10 File systems [filesystems]

30.10.34 Filesystem operation functions [fs.op.funcs] Is regular file [fs.op.is_regular_file]

bool is_regular_file(file_status s) noexcept;

Returns: s.type() == file_­type​::​regular.

bool is_regular_file(const path& p);

Returns: is_­regular_­file(status(p)).

Throws: filesystem_­error if status(p) would throw filesystem_­error.

bool is_regular_file(const path& p, error_code& ec) noexcept;

Effects: Sets ec as if by status(p, ec). [Note: file_­type​::​none, file_­type​::​not_­found and file_­type​::​unknown cases set ec to error values. To distinguish between cases, call the status function directly. end note]

Returns: is_­regular_­file(status(p, ec)). Returns false if an error occurs.