30 Input/output library [input.output]

30.7 Formatting and manipulators [iostream.format]

30.7.7 Extended manipulators [ext.manip]

The header <iomanip> defines several functions that support extractors and inserters that allow for the parsing and formatting of sequences and values for money and time.

template <class moneyT> unspecified get_money(moneyT& mon, bool intl = false);

Requires: The type moneyT shall be either long double or a specialization of the basic_­string template (Clause [strings]).

Effects: The expression in >> get_­money(mon, intl) described below behaves as a formatted input function.

Returns: An object of unspecified type such that if in is an object of type basic_­istream<charT, traits> then the expression in >> get_­money(mon, intl) behaves as if it called f(in, mon, intl), where the function f is defined as:

template <class charT, class traits, class moneyT>
void f(basic_ios<charT, traits>& str, moneyT& mon, bool intl) {
  using Iter     = istreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>;
  using MoneyGet = money_get<charT, Iter>;

  ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
  const MoneyGet& mg = use_facet<MoneyGet>(str.getloc());

  mg.get(Iter(str.rdbuf()), Iter(), intl, str, err, mon);

  if (ios_base::goodbit != err)

The expression in >> get_­money(mon, intl) shall have type basic_­istream<charT, traits>& and value in.

template <class moneyT> unspecified put_money(const moneyT& mon, bool intl = false);

Requires: The type moneyT shall be either long double or a specialization of the basic_­string template (Clause [strings]).

Returns: An object of unspecified type such that if out is an object of type basic_­ostream<charT, traits> then the expression out << put_­money(mon, intl) behaves as a formatted output function that calls f(out, mon, intl), where the function f is defined as:

template <class charT, class traits, class moneyT>
void f(basic_ios<charT, traits>& str, const moneyT& mon, bool intl) {
  using Iter     = ostreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>;
  using MoneyPut = money_put<charT, Iter>;

  const MoneyPut& mp = use_facet<MoneyPut>(str.getloc());
  const Iter end = mp.put(Iter(str.rdbuf()), intl, str, str.fill(), mon);

  if (end.failed())

The expression out << put_­money(mon, intl) shall have type basic_­ostream<charT, traits>& and value out.

template <class charT> unspecified get_time(struct tm* tmb, const charT* fmt);

Requires: The argument tmb shall be a valid pointer to an object of type struct tm. The argument fmt shall be a valid pointer to an array of objects of type charT with char_­traits<charT>​::​length(fmt) elements.

Returns: An object of unspecified type such that if in is an object of type basic_­istream<charT, traits> then the expression in >> get_­time(tmb, fmt) behaves as if it called f(in, tmb, fmt), where the function f is defined as:

template <class charT, class traits>
void f(basic_ios<charT, traits>& str, struct tm* tmb, const charT* fmt) {
  using Iter    = istreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>;
  using TimeGet = time_get<charT, Iter>;

  ios_base::iostate err = ios_base::goodbit;
  const TimeGet& tg = use_facet<TimeGet>(str.getloc());

  tg.get(Iter(str.rdbuf()), Iter(), str, err, tmb,
    fmt, fmt + traits::length(fmt));

  if (err != ios_base::goodbit)

The expression in >> get_­time(tmb, fmt) shall have type basic_­istream<charT, traits>& and value in.

template <class charT> unspecified put_time(const struct tm* tmb, const charT* fmt);

Requires: The argument tmb shall be a valid pointer to an object of type struct tm, and the argument fmt shall be a valid pointer to an array of objects of type charT with char_­traits<charT>​::​length(​fmt) elements.

Returns: An object of unspecified type such that if out is an object of type basic_­ostream<charT, traits> then the expression out << put_­time(tmb, fmt) behaves as if it called f(out, tmb, fmt), where the function f is defined as:

template <class charT, class traits>
void f(basic_ios<charT, traits>& str, const struct tm* tmb, const charT* fmt) {
  using Iter    = ostreambuf_iterator<charT, traits>;
  using TimePut = time_put<charT, Iter>;

  const TimePut& tp = use_facet<TimePut>(str.getloc());
  const Iter end = tp.put(Iter(str.rdbuf()), str, str.fill(), tmb,
    fmt, fmt + traits::length(fmt));

  if (end.failed())

The expression out << put_­time(tmb, fmt) shall have type basic_­ostream<charT, traits>& and value out.