20 General utilities library [utilities]

20.8 Function objects [function.objects]

20.8.3 Class template reference_wrapper [refwrap]

namespace std {
  template <class T> class reference_wrapper {
  public :
    // types
    typedef T type;
    typedef see below result_type;               // not always defined
    typedef see below argument_type;             // not always defined
    typedef see below first_argument_type;       // not always defined
    typedef see below second_argument_type;      // not always defined

    // construct/copy/destroy
    reference_wrapper(T&) noexcept;
    reference_wrapper(T&&) = delete;     // do not bind to temporary objects
    reference_wrapper(const reference_wrapper<T>& x) noexcept;

    // assignment
    reference_wrapper& operator=(const reference_wrapper<T>& x) noexcept;

    // access
    operator T& () const noexcept;
    T& get() const noexcept;

    // invocation
    template <class... ArgTypes>
    typename result_of<T&(ArgTypes&&...)>::type
    operator() (ArgTypes&&...) const;

reference_wrapper<T> is a CopyConstructible and CopyAssignable wrapper around a reference to an object or function of type T.

reference_wrapper<T> has a weak result type ([func.require]). If T is a function type, result_type shall be a synonym for the return type of T.

The template instantiation reference_wrapper<T> shall define a nested type named argument_type as a synonym for T1 only if the type T is any of the following:

  • a function type or a pointer to function type taking one argument of type T1

  • a pointer to member function R T0::f cv (where cv represents the member function's cv-qualifiers); the type T1 is cv T0*

  • a class type with a member type argument_type; the type T1 is T::argument_type.

The template instantiation reference_wrapper<T> shall define two nested types named first_argument_type and second_argument_type as synonyms for T1 and T2, respectively, only if the type T is any of the following:

  • a function type or a pointer to function type taking two arguments of types T1 and T2

  • a pointer to member function R T0::f(T2) cv (where cv represents the member function's cv-qualifiers); the type T1 is cv T0*

  • a class type with member types first_argument_type and second_argument_type; the type T1 is T::first_argument_type. and the type T2 is T::second_argument_type. reference_wrapper construct/copy/destroy [refwrap.const]

reference_wrapper(T& t) noexcept;

Effects: Constructs a reference_wrapper object that stores a reference to t.

reference_wrapper(const reference_wrapper<T>& x) noexcept;

Effects: Constructs a reference_wrapper object that stores a reference to x.get(). reference_wrapper assignment [refwrap.assign]

reference_wrapper& operator=(const reference_wrapper<T>& x) noexcept;

Postconditions: *this stores a reference to x.get(). reference_wrapper access [refwrap.access]

operator T& () const noexcept;

Returns: The stored reference.

T& get() const noexcept;

Returns: The stored reference. reference_wrapper invocation [refwrap.invoke]

template <class... ArgTypes> typename result_of<T&(ArgTypes&&... )>::type operator()(ArgTypes&&... args) const;

Returns: INVOKE(get(), std::forward<ArgTypes>(args)...). ([func.require])

Remark: operator() is described for exposition only. Implementations are not required to provide an actual reference_wrapper::operator(). Implementations are permitted to support reference_wrapper function invocation through multiple overloaded operators or through other means. reference_wrapper helper functions [refwrap.helpers]

template <class T> reference_wrapper<T> ref(T& t) noexcept;

Returns: reference_wrapper<T>(t)

template <class T> reference_wrapper<T> ref(reference_wrapper<T>t) noexcept;

Returns: ref(t.get())

template <class T> reference_wrapper<const T> cref(const T& t) noexcept;

Returns: reference_wrapper <const T>(t)

template <class T> reference_wrapper<const T> cref(reference_wrapper<T> t) noexcept;

Returns: cref(t.get());