33 Concurrency support library [thread]

33.11 Safe reclamation [saferecl]

33.11.2 Read-copy update (RCU) [saferecl.rcu] Class rcu_domain [saferecl.rcu.domain] Member functions [saferecl.rcu.domain.members]

void lock() noexcept;
Effects: Opens a region of RCU protection.
Remarks: Calls to lock do not introduce a data race ([intro.races]) involving *this.
bool try_lock() noexcept;
Effects: Equivalent to lock().
Returns: true.
void unlock() noexcept;
Preconditions: A call to lock that opened an unclosed region of RCU protection is sequenced before the call to unlock.
Effects: Closes the unclosed region of RCU protection that was most recently opened.
May invoke scheduled evaluations in *this.
[Note 1: 
If such evaluations acquire resources held across any invocation of unlock on *this, deadlock can occur.
— end note]
Remarks: Calls to unlock do not introduce a data race involving *this.
[Note 2: 
Evaluation of scheduled evaluations can still cause a data race.
— end note]