33 Concurrency support library [thread]

33.11 Safe reclamation [saferecl]

33.11.3 Hazard pointers [saferecl.hp] Class hazard_pointer [saferecl.hp.holder] Constructors, destructor, and assignment [saferecl.hp.holder.ctor]

hazard_pointer() noexcept;
Postconditions: *this is empty.
hazard_pointer(hazard_pointer&& other) noexcept;
Postconditions: If other is empty, *this is empty.
Otherwise, *this owns the hazard pointer originally owned by other; other is empty.
Effects: If *this is not empty, destroys the hazard pointer owned by *this, thereby ending its current protection epoch.
hazard_pointer& operator=(hazard_pointer&& other) noexcept;
Effects: If this == &other is true, no effect.
Otherwise, if *this is not empty, destroys the hazard pointer owned by *this, thereby ending its current protection epoch.
Postconditions: If other was empty, *this is empty.
Otherwise, *this owns the hazard pointer originally owned by other.
If this != &other is true, other is empty.
Returns: *this.